Author: Heera, Sarena Harry
Title: A case study genre analysis on international school teacher feedback on seesaw during online learning in Hong Kong
Advisors: Ladegaard, Hans (ENGL)
Degree: M.A.
Year: 2023
Subject: Computer-assisted instruction
Web-based instruction
English language -- Discourse analysis
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of English and Communication
Pages: viii, 52 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: From the COVID-19 outbreak, schools around Hong Kong were required to seize face-to-face instruction to mitigate the spread of disease. Schools had to use various forms of computer mediated communications to ensure their students’ learning continued. The pandemic induced online learning arrangements have increased the attention drawn on the usage of technology in young learners’ learning. However, the impact it has on the practice of giving feedback online to young learners remains largely unexplored. This case study aims to focus within the context of one class from an international school by conducting a move and genre analysis on commentary feedback on work assigned on the online learning platform, Seesaw, to study the moves, provide a commentary feedback prototype and find linguistic characteristics integral to the genre. The findings aim to inform their feedback-giving practice to young learners online and to reduce their workload when teaching online learning. It was found that the corpus shared the General Impression, Managing Negative Comment, Recapitulation Positive and Overall Judgment moves from the pre-existing commentary feedback genres. While the Addressing and Showing Gratitude moves were also found in the corpus that resembled the other online genres. Reminder and Suggestion for Future moves were unique to the corpus as they were attributed to the learning expectations of the students. The most significant linguistic characteristics were found to have been the use of adjective, second person, commands, and conditionals.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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