Author: Wong, Yuk-lin
Title: A study of the caregiver burden of families looking after demented and non-demented elderly in the community
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2004
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Caregivers -- China -- Hong Kong
Older people -- Home care -- China -- Hong Kong
Senile dementia -- Patients -- Home care -- China -- Hong Kong
Department: School of Nursing
Pages: vii, 110 leaves ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: No local research study had previously been carried out to look for differences in the burden level between caregivers looking after demented and non-demented elderly relatives/patients. A convenience sample of 24 caregivers of demented elderly people and 25 caregivers of non-demented elderly people were recruited in hospital upon discharge of the patient to their home, and asked to participate in the study. Clinical and demographic data, carers' burden level and other variables were recorded. The burden level in caregivers was measured using the 22-item Chinese version of the Zarit Burden Interview. Caregivers who were taking care of demented elderly patients reported significantly higher burden than those caring for elderly patients without dementia (P=0.013). Stepwise multiple regression revealed four variables, namely patient type, salary, and Revised Memory and Behavior Problem Checklist Frequency (RMBPCF) on disruptive behavior and depression, which were associated with greater burden among caregivers. Functional status among care recipients was not a predictor of the level of burden. The results showed that salary and the subscale of the RMBPCF on disruptive behavior were the main factors associated with the burden level among caregivers taking care of the demented elderly at home. The regression analysis showed that only the RMBPCF on depression was a factor related to the level of burden among caregivers who took care of relatives without dementia. he caregivers of the demented elderly reported a higher burden than those of the non-demented elderly due to patients' disruptive behavior and their own lower income. These findings indicate a need for further development of appropriate interventions to manage disruptive behavior and adequate mechanisms to support those undertaking home care of the demented elderly population.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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