Author: Wang, Jinjin
Title: Experimental study and OpenSees modelling for thermal response of 3D printed concrete exposed to fires
Advisors: Jiang, Liming (BEEE)
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2023
Subject: Three-dimensional printing -- Industrial applications
Concrete construction -- Fire testing
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering
Pages: v, 45 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: 3D printed concrete has emerged as a promising technology for the construction industry as it allows for automated construction. However, the fire safety issues associated with 3D printed concrete buildings must be adequately addressed to ensure their viability. The aim of this paper is to explore the fire performance of 3D printed concrete by testing a small-scale specimen and constructing a fire thermal response process in OpenSees. The specimen was exposed to fire simulation conditions via the H-Tris system. An OpenSees numerical model was then developed to simulate the thermal response of the concrete specimen to fire. Recorded experimental data on gas phase temperatures were used as valid input to the heat transfer model to obtain the internal temperature profile of the 3D printed concrete specimen. The simulation results are then compared with the actual measured temperature variation data inside the concrete in the tests to test the heat transfer model. When the model was extended to the 40 mm print width commonly used for realistic 3D printed building wall elements and a variety of fire types were used as input models, the simulation results showed that fire conditions had a significant impact on the structural stability of the 3D printed concrete exposed walls.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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