Author: Wang, Jiaqi
Title: Evaluating the effectiveness of an e-learning tool to deliver sustainable engineering knowledge
Advisors: Hou, Cynthia (BEEE)
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2023
Subject: Microlearning
Sustainable engineering -- Study and teaching (Higher)
Engineering -- Study and teaching (Higher)
Web-based instruction -- Evaluation
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering
Pages: viii, 78 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Education about engineering sustainability in higher education has been actively promoted by many sectors of society due to the widespread interest in this topic. This article aims to investigate the feasibility of the emerging micro-video teaching method in engineering sustainability education and to further analyse the factors af­fecting students' use of the micro-video learning method.
This experiment was based on four engineering students from Shandong University of Science and Technology as the experimental subjects and a 5-minute micro-video about a street canyon as the material for the experiment. By inviting engineering stu­dents to take tests before and after watching the video. The results were compared to study the improvement of students' learning through micro-video teaching. Then through semi-structured interviews and literature review, the TAM-based model was extended to include micro-video quality as an influencing factor. Finally, a TAM-based questionnaire was designed, and students were invited to fill in the questionnaire.
Micro-video teaching led to a 20% increase in test scores compared to Test 1. The viability of the micro-video teaching method in engineering sustainability education was verified. At the same time, the content quality of the video and framework quality, perceived ease of use of the video and the usefulness of the video were all confirmed to influence students' use of micro-video. At the end of the thesis, some innovative ideas will be proposing for applying micro-video, combining online and offline learn­ing. Relying on traditional books, micro-video can make book text 3-dimensional, pro­moting engineering accessibility. stereotyping and promoting the teaching of engineer­ing sustainability education.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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