Author: Han, Yuhao
Title: Experimental study of using heat flux sensors to measure the convective heat transfer coefficients for the human body
Advisors: Niu, Jianlei (BEEE)
Yu, Yichen (BEEE)
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2023
Subject: Winds
Heat -- Convection
Heat -- Transmission
Temperature -- Physiological effect
Environmental engineering
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering
Pages: ix, 55 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Wind is an important factor in thermal comfort evaluation, and the convective heat transfer coefficient (hc) is taken as the main research object in this study. The outdoor sinusoidal wind was simulated in a wind tunnel using active grid, and the human body convective heat transfer coefficients were measured on a thermal manikin. This research explored different operational mode of the active grid and the downwind turbulence characteristics. The impact of turbulence characteristics on the hc of different body parts of the human body was studied in this project. Under similar wind speed and turbulence intensity, the larger the length scale of turbulent flow, the smaller the hc. It is necessary to update the regression equation in previous publications to incorporate the effect of turbulence length scale on local convective heat transfer coefficient.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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