Author: Chu, Qiwen
Title: Mixed-method research on new EFL teachers’ foreign language teaching anxiety in public primary schools in China
Advisors: Occhipinti, Stefano (ENGL)
Degree: M.A.
Year: 2023
Subject: Teachers -- Job stress
English language -- Study and teaching (Primary) -- Foreign speakers
English Language -- Study and teaching (Primary) -- China
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of English and Communication
Pages: vii, 55 pages
Language: English
Abstract: This mix-method research aims to research new EFL teachers’ foreign language teaching anxiety in public primary schools in China. To investigate their teaching anxiety levels and features, to explore the relationship between teaching anxiety and some demographic factors, such as gender and teaching experience, and to discover new factors leading to their foreign language teaching anxiety. A mixed-form online survey and semi-structured interviews were conducted, and 127 new EFL teachers in public primary schools participated in this study. Referring to the data analysis result, there are six categories of factors causing FLTA, including student profile, fear of negative evaluation, professional capacity, self-language proficiency, inadequate teaching resources and teaching inexperience. Among these categories, the new EFL teachers are significantly anxious about the former three categories.
In contrast, they have low anxiety levels in the latter three categories. Besides, age and teaching experience would also cause foreign language teaching anxiety, whereas educational background and abroad experience do not significantly influence teaching anxiety. According to the findings, several practical suggestions are provided for relieving new EFL teachers’ teaching anxiety. These include establishing a training program, tracking new EFL teachers’ status frequently, organising more student-teacher interactive activities, and providing evaluations euphemistically.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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