Author: Wang, Pengyu
Title: A mixed methods study of Chinese EFL learners’ attitudes towards learning English through videos
Advisors: Lin, Phoebe (ENGL)
Degree: M.A.
Year: 2023
Subject: English language -- Study and teaching-- Chinese speakers
English language -- Study and teaching -- Audio-visual aids
College students -- China -- Attitudes
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of English and Communication
Pages: 60 pages : illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: This dissertation reports on a mixed methods study investigating the attitudes of Chinese EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners towards learning English through videos. Specifically, the varying attitudes of individuals from different regions of the country and their influential factors were explored. A sample of 102 college students from different regions of the country completed an online questionnaire on various aspects of the attitudes and the potential affecting factors, functioning as the quantitative section. Three of the participants attended an interview based on the questionnaire but more in-depth, functioning as the qualitative section. Their responses were compared and analysed by Independent Samples t-Test, Multiple Regression, and Thematic Analysis. The results show that EFL learners from eastern China had more positive attitudes towards learning English through videos than those from central and western China. A noteworthy point is that among the various aspects of these attitudes, all expressed a favourable view of the use of English videos in teaching activities. For the influential factors, teachers’ encouragement and recommendation for learning English through videos played a paramount role. The dissertation concludes by recapitulating the key findings and discussing the implications for the education authorities, teachers, and parents to better implement this learning and teaching strategy.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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