Author: Li, Shihan
Title: Clinical assessment methods for posture deformity and a pilot study for scoliosis detection based on the depth sensor
Advisors: Zhang, Ming (BME)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2024
Subject: Scoliosis --
Spine -- Abnormalities
Youth -- Diseases
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Biomedical Engineering
Pages: 98 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Clinical assessment methods for posture deformity
Posture deformity is a common problem in adolescents. Posture deformities can lead to musculoskeletal pain and affect psychological health. Early screening and intervention for posture deformities are important. There are many methods to assess posture deformity, such as visual observation, radiographic examination, two-dimensional photography, and so on; however, all these methods have limitations in clinical practice: high cost, time-consuming, and radiation exposure. It is important to develop a rapid, radiation-free screening tool.
To develop a new screening tool, we need to summarize and compare all these methods to select the most appropriate assessment avoid missed diagnoses and misdiagnosis. So, the first step of my project is to carry out a lecture review to summarize the current assessment methods for posture deformities in clinical practice that could be used in 3D reconstruction.
A pilot study for scoliosis detection based on the depth sensor
Considering the wide prevalence and the serious consequences of scoliosis, in all these posture deformities, I have focused on scoliosis detection. In my project, I have developed a scoliosis detection system with a single depth sensor, the IntelĀ® RealSenseā„¢ Depth Camera D415. The colorful deviation map is the assessment index. I have carried out a pilot study to test the performance of the system and the influence factors of the system. To avoid the influence of breath and the shake of the human body, I first tested the system with 10 phantom models. Nine subjects were also recruited to test the performance of the system. The validity of the system is tested by comparing the angle of rotation (ATR) with the maximum deviation and RMS of the colorful deviation map. The result shows that the system shows high reliability on both phantom models and human subjects. The maximum deviation and RMS of the colorful deviation map show a strong correlation with the ATR. This system could be an add-on screening tool to reduce radiation exposure.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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