Author: Cheung, Hoi Yan
Title: Evaluation and enhancement of the performance of anisotropic textile brace for moderate Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
Advisors: Yip, Joanne (SFT)
Yick, Kit-lun (SFT)
Ng, Sun-pui Zerance (SPEED)
Degree: M.Phil.
Year: 2024
Subject: Orthopedic braces
Scoliosis -- Patients -- Treatment
Scoliosis in children
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: School of Fashion and Textiles
Pages: xxvix, 248 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) is a spinal curvature affecting 1-3% of children between 10 and 16 years old. Its etiology remains unclear, but it can impact mental and physical health. Treatment options include observation, bracing, or surgery depending on the severity. Rigid orthoses are commonly used for moderate scoliosis, but non-rigid braces have been developed to improve compliance, which is crucial for successful treatment. This study focuses on evaluating an anisotropic textile brace designed by Wong (2021) to address the limitations of traditional braces.
Numerous research studies have demonstrated that an effective orthosis can control the natural progression of spinal curvature or even correct it. The most commonly used method to treat AIS is rigid orthoses, such as the Boston brace, Cheneau brace and Milwaukee brace. However, traditional rigid braces have some drawbacks, including discomfort, inconvenience, and bulkiness, which can affect user compliance and result in treatment failure. To tackle these issues, non-rigid braces such as SpineCor and TriaC have been developed. However, the effectiveness of non-rigid braces remains in doubt due to insufficient corrective force and ambiguous bracing effect. Wong (2021) has developed an anisotropic textile brace to address the above-mentioned issues.
This study has four objectives: (a) investigate the background information on AIS to better identify the design mechanism of the anisotropic textile brace, (b) analyze feedback and limitations of the anisotropic textile brace and make design refinements to improve its effectiveness, (c) invite a cohort of potential AIS patients to participate in the initial wear trial to identify the short-term effect of the brace, and (d) manage a periodic follow-up clinical trial with subjects to evaluate the overall performance of the modified anisotropic textile brace in the long-term.
To evaluate the effectiveness of the anisotropic textile brace, participants were recruited to take part in a clinical trial lasting between three and nine months. Follow-up sessions were offered every three months to monitor their spinal curvature. A standing posteroanterior radiograph is necessary to confirm whether an adolescent is suffering from AIS. To determine whether potential subjects are suitable for the study, the Cobb angle measurement on the curve and observation of Risser grade are required. An initial wear trial is arranged for each potential moderate AIS subject to define the immediate effect of the anisotropic textile brace. The result of the initial wear trial determines whether the subject is suitable to join the long-term wear trial. If a subject displays at least a 5-degree improvement in spinal curvature during the initial wear trial, they are recommended to participate in the long-term wear trial. Data collected during the trials includes changes in Cobb angle, pressure applied to the garment, quality of life questionnaires, and proprioception trial results.
Approximately 18 potential subjects were invited for the initial wear trial, and nine of them showed a reduction in spinal curvature equal to or greater than 5 degrees. However, due to reasons such as immigration and the selection of other braces, only four of them began the long-term clinical trial. No deterioration was found in any of the subjects, and spinal deformity in all recruited subjects was under control.
Overall, this study highlights the potential of non-rigid braces for treating moderate AIS. More research is needed to further validate the effectiveness of anisotropic textile braces, but it shows promise as a more comfortable and convenient option for patients.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: open access

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