Author: Guo, Xinrui
Title: Development of autonomous salt field robot
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2023
Department: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Pages: ix, 97 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: A large number of robots are used in various special environments and the operating environment of most robots is flat ground or water. Nevertheless, little research has been done on robots operating in an environment with both soil and water, e.g., working in a muddy terrain environment like salt field. To develop the salt field robot we build a screw-propelled vehicle including chassis, wheels, stirring and collecting system, control system, and lidar and UWB(Ultra Wide Ban) sensors. We fabricate the robot chassis using the screw propeller wheel dynamics model, as well as suggesting that white steel be used as the anti-corrosion material and that the exposed surfaces be painted with anti-corrosion paint. Additionally, we recommend a motion planning software for salt fields that uses the A* traversed algorithm based on lidar sensors while also leveraging UWB data that has been enhanced by deep learning for auxiliary location.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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