Author: Jia, Kaiwei
Title: Integrity monitoring for RTK integer ambiguity resolution
Advisors: Jiang, Yi Ping (AAE)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2023
Department: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Pages: viii, 72 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: This paper explores the extension of current integrity monitoring methods for road navigation, specifically Real-time Kinematic Positioning (RTK). The paper examines a key issue for extending current integrity monitoring methods for RTK: guaranteeing a high successful rate of fixing ambiguity resolution. The paper proposes a real-time critical value algorithm based on failure rate and variance matrix to help find the right choice of critical value in RTK applications. Additionally, a partial ambiguity fixing (PAF) model based on the LAMBDA algorithm is used to improve success rates by resolving partial ambiguities in the presence of multipath or unaccounted-for atmospheric delays. Results demonstrate that the added PAF algorithm can maintain a higher success rate in resolving ambiguities while reducing the computation burden.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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