Author: Jiang, Like
Title: Investigation of the damage and delamination mechanisms of epoxy lining in salt water pipes
Advisors: Yao, Haimin (ME)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2023
Department: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Pages: x, 53 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Coated pipes are widely employed in the transportation of diverse materials, with organic coatings providing substantial enhancements to their durability and longevity. This article focuses on epoxy-coated pipes, examining the material of both the coating and substrate to provide a comprehensive analysis of their properties.
Furthermore, this paper identifies the significant external factors that contribute to the failure of coated pipes, including external force and welding temperature, which can cause damage to both the coating and substrate. The authors emphasize the critical role of protective measures in preventing pipeline failure and provide a summary of recent research on the use, failure, and prevention of damage to coated pipelines. Overall, this article is an invaluable resource for researchers and engineers interested in coated pipes and their applications. It offers a comprehensive overview of water pipe protection while providing insights into the research developments of epoxy coating.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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