Author: Qiao, Minhao
Title: System design & modelling of a decentralized supply chain platform for fashion SMEs based on blockchain
Advisors: Mok, P. Y. (SFT)
Degree: M.Phil.
Year: 2024
Department: School of Fashion and Textiles
Pages: xiii, 105 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: As the scale of the fashion market continues to expand and develop, supply chain management has played a crucial role in fashion business. The clothing market has never been controlled by a single enterprise, but rather, profitability is realized through collaborative efforts among different enterprises within the supply chain. Therefore, achieving efficient management of fashion supply chains is a focus of modern supply chains, and digital management systems have become the cornerstone.
Traditional supply chain management systems usually adopt a centralized data storage method, leading to slow message transfer and interaction between upstream and downstream enterprises, lack of information transparency, and even the commonly seen bullwhip effect in supply chains due to message latency. In recent years, the decentralization, distributed storage, immutable data, and public transparency of blockchain technology have brought new opportunities for application and development across industries. Applying blockchain technology to fashion supply chain is of high research significance and practical value.
This study analyzes key deficiencies in existing supply chain systems and attempts to provide solutions for these problems one by one through the new features brought by blockchain technology, designing and integrating them. A new model of supply chain platform based on blockchain technology is proposed to realize collaborative cooperation among different small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the fashion supply chain, realizing efficient large-scale data storage, access and exchange, with a scoring method to promote cooperation and more efficient operation. The main research work are summarized as follows.
1. A prototype system of blockchain-based fashion supply chain platform has been designed and developed. To solve the problem of slow information processing speed of blockchain-based system, the proposed online platform consists of two different types of data and transaction processing methods: on-chain and off-chain. The on-chain part is implemented based on Hyperledger Fabric and its supporting components, aiming to solve the most important message recording and storage. The off-chain part is implemented using a database based on MySQL, ChainSQL, to store relatively static data.
2. The business scenarios and logic of the fashion supply chain are combined, formulated so as to improve the overall system management. Smart contracts with different business functions are developed using Golang, Java, and Node.js. Channel technology is used to protect sensitive information from different enterprises. In addition, to facilitate system deployment and increase system scalability, Docker image methods are uniformly used to add or remove components in different server nodes.
3. Different technology frameworks, such as the Hyperledger Performance Testing Suite, JMeter stress testing tools, and a combination of Prometheus, Node Exporter, and Grafana for enterprise-level application software monitoring are used in the system development. Detailed functionality, performance, and security tests are conducted to ensure that the system can provide services for increasing fashion SMEs.
Experimental evaluation has demonstrated that the prototype system/platform has excellent performance and is able to provide good enterprise-level services facilitating supply chain collaboration.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: open access

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