Author: Zeng, Li
Title: Fashion design innovation ecosystem
Advisors: Lo, Kwan Yu Chris (SFT)
Chen, Zhimin (SFT)
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 2024
Department: School of Fashion and Textiles
Pages: xiv, 386 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: According to the resource-based view theory, innovation is a valuable resource to prompt competitive advantage under unpredictable and complicated circumstances. However, research has devoted scarce attention to the investigation and facilitation of Fashion Design Innovation (FDI) in a comprehensive and holistic manner. Regarding this obvious research gap, this research attempts to adopt the innovation ecosystem lens to explore the Fashion Design Innovation Ecosystem (FDIE) using mixed methodologies. Thus, Study 1 of this research identifies the FDI from the extensive literature review systematically. Then, Study 2 further investigates the measurement of FDI by using interview and survey methods in four sub-studies. Based on the results of Study 1 and Study 2, Study 3 aims to explore FDIE by conducting semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders. The objective is to build the FDIE model from the ecosystem-as-structure perspective and verify the performance of FDIE. Study 3 also takes policy-driven FDI as an example to illustrate various stakeholder roles and their pathways to achieve FDI in FDIE.
This research is the first study that defines, measures, and investigates FDI and its connection with FDIE. It contributes to the theoretical advancement of FDI and the innovation ecosystem field. The findings of this research suggest that FDIE can serve as an inclusive, constructive, and systematic lens that could aid in the management of FDI. Furthermore, it has practical implications for the development of innovation strategies in the fashion sector and for the formulation of policies that foster FDI.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: open access

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