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dc.contributorDepartment of Computingen_US
dc.contributor.advisorWu, Xiao-ming (COMP)en_US
dc.creatorWang, Cong-
dc.publisherHong Kong Polytechnic Universityen_US
dc.rightsAll rights reserveden_US
dc.titleToward robust image restoration and enhancement with deep learningen_US
dcterms.abstractAdvancements in computer vision have paved the way for sophisticated image restora­tion and enhancement techniques. This dissertation is an exploration of novel learn-based architectures and methodologies for a variety of image restoration and en­hancement tasks, specifically focusing on deraining, dehazing, Ultra-High-Definition (UHD) image restoration and enhancement, and degradation perception-guided image restoration.en_US
dcterms.abstractIn Chapter 3, we propose a high-order collaborative network with multi-scale compact constraints and a bidirectional scale-content similarity mining module to exploit fea­tures from deep networks externally and internally for rain streak removal. Externally, we design a deraining framework with three sub-networks trained in a collaborative manner, where the bottom network transmits intermediate features to the middle network which also receives shallower rainy features from the top network and sends back features to the bottom network. Internally, we enforce multi-scale compact constraints on the intermediate layers of deep networks to learn useful features via a Laplacian pyramid. Further, we develop a bidirectional scale-content similarity mining module to explore features at different scales in a down-to-up and up-to-down manner. To improve the model performance on real-world images, we propose an online-update learning approach, which uses real-world rainy images to fine-tune the network and update the deraining results in a self-supervised manner. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed method performs favorably against eleven state-of-the-art methods on five public synthetic datasets and one real-world dataset.en_US
dcterms.abstractIn Chapter 4, we propose an effective depth-consistency Self-Prompt Transformer, terms as SelfPromer, for image dehazing. It is motivated by an observation that the estimated depths of an image with haze residuals and its clear counterpart vary. Enforcing the depth consistency of dehazed images with clear ones, therefore, is essential for dehazing. For this purpose, we develop a prompt based on the features of depth differences between the hazy input images and corresponding clear counterparts that can guide dehazing models for better restoration. Specifically, we first apply deep features extracted from the input images to the depth difference features for generating the prompt that contains the haze residual information in the input. Then we propose a prompt embedding module that is designed to perceive the haze residuals, by linearly adding the prompt to the deep features. Further, we develop an effective prompt attention module to pay more attention to haze residuals for better removal. By incorporating the prompt, prompt embedding, and prompt attention into an encoder-decoder network based on VQGAN, we can achieve better perception quality. As the depths of clear images are not available at inference, and the dehazed images with one-time feed-forward execution may still contain a portion of haze residuals, we propose a new continuous self-prompt inference that can iteratively correct the dehazing model towards better haze-free image generation. Extensive experiments show that our SelfPromer performs favorably against the state-of-the-art approaches on both synthetic and real-world datasets in terms of perception metrics including NIQE, PI, and PIQE.en_US
dcterms.abstractIn Chapter 5, we propose UHDformer, a general Transformer for Ultra-High-Definition (UHD) image restoration and enhancement. UHDformer contains two learning spaces: (a) learning in a high-resolution space and (b) learning in a low-resolution space. The former learns multi-level high-resolution features and fuses low-high features and reconstructs the residual images, while the latter explores more representative features learning from the high-resolution ones to facilitate better restoration. To better improve feature representation in low-resolution space, we propose to build feature transformation from the high-resolution space to the low-resolution one. To that end, we propose two new modules: Dual-path Correlation Matching Transforma­tion module (DualCMT) and Adaptive Channel Modulator (ACM). The DualCMT selects top C/r (r ≥ 1 controls the squeezing level) correlation channels from the max-pooling/mean-pooling high-resolution features to replace low-resolution ones in Transformers, which can effectively squeeze useless content to improve the feature representation in low-resolution space to facilitate better recovery. The ACM is exploited to adaptively modulate multi-level high-resolution features, enabling it to provide more useful features to low-resolution space for better learning. Experimental results show that our UHDformer reduces about 97% model sizes compared with most state-of-the-art methods while significantly improving performance under different training sets on 3 UHD image restoration and enhancement tasks, including low-light image enhancement, image dehazing, and image deblurring.en_US
dcterms.abstractIn Chapter 6, we show that raw degradation features can effectively guide deep restora­tion models, providing accurate degradation priors to facilitate better restoration. While networks that do not consider them for restoration forget gradual degradation during the learning process, model capacity is severely hindered. To address this, we propose a Prompting image Restorer, termed as PromptRestorer. Specifically, PromptRestorer contains two branches: a restoration branch and a prompting branch. The former is used to restore images, while the latter perceives degradation priors to prompt the restoration branch with reliable perceived content to guide the restoration process for better recovery. To better perceive the degradation which is extracted by a pre-trained model from given degradation observations, we propose a prompting degradation perception modulator, which adequately considers the characteristics of the self-attention mechanism and pixel-wise modulation, to better perceive the degra­dation priors from global and local perspectives. To control the propagation of the perceived content for the restoration branch, we propose gated degradation perception propagation, enabling the restoration branch to adaptively learn more useful features for better recovery. Extensive experimental results show that our PromptRestorer achieves state-of-the-art results on 4 image restoration tasks, including image deraining, deblurring, dehazing, and desnowing.en_US
dcterms.extentxxvii, 169 pages : color illustrationsen_US
dcterms.isPartOfPolyU Electronic Thesesen_US
dcterms.educationalLevelAll Doctorateen_US
dcterms.accessRightsopen accessen_US

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