Author: Xie, Chenxing
Title: Design of a monolithic bio-inspired 3D printed insulating wall element
Advisors: Weng, Yiwei (BRE)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2024
Subject: Three-dimensional printing -- Industrial applications
Building materials -- Environmental aspects
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Building and Real Estate
Pages: 1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: As climate change and environmental issues become increasingly severe, the demand for sustainable and efficient building materials in the construction industry is rising. Concrete, one of the most commonly used materials in construction, faces significant scrutiny due to its carbon emissions during production. To address this challenge, this study explores the application of 3D concrete printing technology in designing bio-inspired thermal insulation wall elements.
The aim of this research is to design a monolithic 3D-printed concrete wall element that combines load-bearing, thermal insulation, and aesthetic functions. By drawing inspiration from microscopic structure of bamboo, truncated octahedrons were used as the basic geometric units to design an insulated wall with enclosed cavities. The goal is to improve thermal performance by optimizing geometric parameters such as wall thickness, tesselate cell numbers, and vertical stretch ratio, while ensuring printability and structural stability. Additionally, the study aims to reduce material consumption to achieve a more environmentally friendly building solution.
The research employs parametric modeling, finite element analysis, and multi-objective optimization techniques. Initially, the thermal performance of different geometric parameters was simulated in Grasshopper environment using TRfem and LBNL THERM and, printability and structural performance were evaluated using Karamba3D. After that, Wallacei was used for multi-objective optimization to identify the optimal combination of geometric parameters.
The optimal component parameters were validated using finite element software Abaqus and COMSOL, confirming the feasibility of their construction and application. Compared to traditional concrete walls, the designed 3D-printed wall elements meet thermal performance requirements while reducing material consumption, offering significant environmental benefits.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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