Author: Li, Yanfen
Title: A mixed-method study of the impact of China's double-reduction policy on English language teaching in lower secondary schools
Advisors: Lopez, Renia (ENGL)
Degree: M.A.
Year: 2024
Subject: English language -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- China
Educational tests and measurements -- China
Education and state -- China
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of English and Communication
Pages: 180 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: The mixed-method study presented in this article investigates the impact of the Double-reduction Policy on English Language Teaching (ELT) in junior high schools in China from three aspects: changes in classroom teaching practices, teaching time and homework, and students’ attitudes toward English. A sample of 199 junior high school English teachers in China completed an online questionnaire about teaching methodologies adopted by English teachers, the change in the amount of homework/instruction time and students’ attitudes toward English after the policy was implemented. Four English teachers selected from the 199 questionnaire participants were interviewed and their lesson plans, class timetable, and students’ homework were collected after the interviews. Analyses of the data indicate that the policy impacted little on English teachers’ choice of teaching methodologies and students’ attitudes toward English, whereas it impacted the amount of English homework for students and English class hours greatly: both were reduced after the policy was implemented. The quantitative and qualitative data reveal that the policy only achieved part of its objectives for school education, and the qualitative data show that conflicts exist among the requirement of the double-reduction policy, the exam orientation system, and the higher requirement stipulated in the New English Curriculum (2022) for junior high school students English competence.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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