Author: Wei, Yiting
Title: The impact of visual reality (VR) on English as foreign language (EFL) learners
Degree: M.A.
Year: 2024
Subject: Virtual reality
Virtual reality in education
English language -- Spoken English -- Study and teaching
English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of English and Communication
Pages: 87 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: In response to the rapid growth of using Visual Reality (VR) as an educational tool, there is increasing research attention to this form of pedagogy. This study aimed to examine the effects of VR on the learning of English as a foreign language for students in mainland China. Specifically, mixed-method analysis was used to explore the impact of VR tools on students’ speaking performance, anxiety, and enjoyment in the speaking class. 40 Chinese EFL learners were recruited from two intact classes in a certain international school in mainland China and randomly assigned intact classes to the VR and conventional classes. After a similar 20-minute speaking course from the teacher, the VR students wore Oculus Quest 2 headsets to practice speaking with visual characters in the language learning game Monly VR for the rest of the 25 minutes, while the conventional students practiced with classmates in pairs. The adapted IELTS tests, well-established questionnaires, and interviews were used to measure students’ speaking performance, anxiety, and enjoyment. Specifically, ANCOVA tests reported significant differences existed between the two groups in terms of students’ speaking, anxiety, and enjoyment. Additionally, the thematic analysis of interviews offered explanations of students’ understanding of how VR tools improve speaking scores, reduce anxiety levels, and boost enjoyment degrees in the speaking course, as well as the advantages and drawbacks of VR in general. Implications were discussed and suggestions for potential future investigations were drawn.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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