Author: Fang, Jiaxin
Title: Investigation of VDT veiling reflection prevention
Advisors: Wei, Minchen Tommy (BEEE)
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2024
Subject: Video display terminals
Computer terminals
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering
Pages: 61 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Unexpected reflection on the visual display terminal (VDT) creates the veiling reflection, also called reflected glare, which is one of the disturbing factors on the working plane. This study is mainly focusing on the veiling reflection perception while the correlated color temperature, illuminance, and observing angle change. The white light with adjustable CCTs and illuminances, screens with the same reflectance ratio, the same working plane are carried out to control the variables in the experiments. The subjective questionnaires of veiling reflection help to make qualitative divisions of eyes discomfort.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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