Author: Chen, Xian
Title: A preliminary idea about “Hong Kong resident carbon accounts” carbon information platform solution
Degree: DFinTech
Year: 2024
Subject: Carbon dioxide mitigation -- China -- Hong Kong
Sustainable living -- China -- Hong Kong
Environmental protection -- China -- Hong Kong
Industrial management -- Environmental aspects -- China -- Hong Kong
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Business
Pages: 244 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: For contributing to the global initiatives of controlling greenhouse gas emissions, Hong Kong government announced the "Hong Kong Climate Action 2050" and committed to neutralize domestic carbon emission by 2050. In order to facilitate the initiative, a “Hong Kong Resident Carbon Accounts” solution is proposed, which is a concept of resident-level carbon management tools, will enable the ordinary residents and domestic SMEs to understand their carbon emissions, optimize their potential emission activities and eventually contribute to global carbon controlling activities. In this research, a survey with a substantial sample size of 1001 respondents and more than 10 in-depth interviews has been successfully completed to understand the residents and SMEs' willingness to reduce carbon emissions and their demand for a carbon information platform. The findings from these surveys have strongly supported the necessity of such a project. Meanwhile, the research has deepened the definition of Consumption-Based Carbon Accounting, dedicated significant effort to studying the energy supply chains in the city and has carefully formulated equations that link the underlying CO2 equivalent carbon emissions to residents' daily activities. The research also presented various functional components and detailed system architecture for the platform. The methods of displaying individual and SME carbon information, the Hong Kong City Carbon Maps, and a range of potential applications were introduced in detail In addition, the research has proposed a comprehensive implementation plan for the project, which encompasses key aspects such as stakeholder engagement, platform establishment, targeted marketing strategies for residents and SME users, as well as plans for the platform's launch and ongoing operation. These efforts have significantly clarified the path towards the realization of the resident carbon information solution and will contribute to "Hong Kong Climate Action 2050".
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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