Author: Hengky
Title: An exploratory study on leveraging the toe framework to explore the CSF of the commercial data interchange platform and multi-methodological approach to research using ChatGPT
Advisors: Sin, Charleston (MM)
Degree: DFinTech
Year: 2024
Subject: Business -- Data processing
Artificial intelligence
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Business
Pages: xi, 255 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: The study on the adoption intention to a governmental commercial data interchange (CDI) platform in Hong Kong has shed valuable light on the factors influencing SME adoption behaviour and the potential of generative AI (GAI) tools like ChatGPT to enhance research efficiency and effectiveness. While the study has made significant contributions to the literature on technology adoption in SMEs, it also highlights the need for a cautious and discerning approach to utilizing GAI in research endeavours.
The study employed the Technology-Organization-Environment (“TOE”) framework to investigate the factors influencing SME adoption of the CDI platform. By examining the moderating role of trust in the context of the CDI platform and an organization, the study has provided a more nuanced understanding of the complexities of technology adoption in the SME sector.
The study has also demonstrated the potential of GAI tools like ChatGPT to streamline research processes and accelerate research outcomes. ChatGPT's capabilities in data collection, transcription, and coding have significantly reduced the time and effort required for these laborious tasks, allowing researchers to focus on more in-depth analysis and interpretation of the collected data.
While GAI offers numerous advantages in research, it is crucial to acknowledge its limitations and use it with caution. Unlike human researchers, GAI tools may lack the ability to critically evaluate and interpret data, and their output may not always align with the nuances of human understanding.
Rather than viewing GAI as a replacement for human researchers, it should be seen as a complementary tool that can augment human expertise and expand the scope of research endeavours. By integrating GAI with traditional research methods and tools, researchers can leverage the strengths of both approaches to achieve more comprehensive and insightful research outcomes.
The future of GAI in research holds immense potential for accelerating knowledge discovery and deepening our understanding of complex phenomena. Continued research efforts should focus on enhancing the quality and reliability of GAI tools like ChatGPT, ensuring their accuracy and objectivity in generating research outputs.
Additionally, more exploration is needed to integrate GAI with traditional research methods, creating a synergistic approach that capitalizes on the strengths of both. By combining human expertise with the capabilities of GAI, researchers can achieve significant breakthroughs in understanding technology adoption, SME behaviour, and other areas of research.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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