Author: Li, Chi King
Title: Impact of CEO characteristics on firm performance in the fintech industry over the COVID-19 period
Advisors: Cho, Vincent (MM)
Degree: DFinTech
Year: 2024
Subject: Chief executive officers -- Attitudes
Financial services industry
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-2023
Technological innovations -- Management
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Business
Pages: vi, 139 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: FinTech has been touted as a unique industry that churns out innovation which revolutionizes the finance industry. However, it is unknown whether the uniqueness of the industry has translated to the selection of its leaders – CEOs. Despite the industry's rapid growth and transformative impact, the question of how to select a suitable CEO remains curiously unexplored.
This paper leverages the Upper Echelons Theory to investigate whether the assumption that traditional leadership characteristics can directly translate to success in the FinTech industry. Using a unique dataset of CEO characteristics and firm performance across the COVID-19 pandemic era (2019 to 2023), the author finds that the CEO’s educational level attainment and age do not hold significant bearing in the FinTech industry. However, gender disparity persists in the FinTech industry, with a positive correlation between male CEOs in FinTech and financial performance. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic, while crippling non-FinTech firms, proved beneficial to the performance of already digital FinTech companies.
This paper provides valuable insights for firms and boards when selecting CEOs for an evolving FinTech landscape.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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