Author: Pao, Bill
Title: Digital marketing revolution : the disruptive effect of ai tools on content creation ‒ an analysis of AI-generated content in social media advertising in China
Advisors: Xu, Xin (MM)
Feng, Katherine (MM)
Degree: DFinTech
Year: 2024
Subject: Internet marketing
Artificial intelligence
Online social networks
Social media -- Marketing
Social media -- Computer network resources
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Business
Pages: 212 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: With a series of significant advancements in artificial intelligence technology, the utilization of AI-generated content (AIGC) has emerged as a prominent research focus. Concurrently, social media marketing has established itself as a mainstream and indispensable component of marketing strategies. Many creators are now leveraging AI technology to optimize their marketing activities, aiming to reduce costs and enhance efficiency. However, how creators use the latest AIGC technology to generate short videos that affects consumers engagement needed to be furtherly discovered. Due to the AI detection conducted by major Chinese social media platforms like Chinese TikTok and Xiaohongshu, this study focuses more on script generation level, which is part of the short video creation process. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine if AI tools like ChatGPT helped creators to generate short videos with better user engagement. And with the help of AI tools, will the video engagement be all the way up or reveal a curvilinear relationship with the extent creators have involved AI tools in their video creation process. Meanwhile, the study also wants to investigate if the knowledge level will affect the decision of creators using AI tools to assist their video establishments. And finally, the study will examine the effectiveness of AI tools on different types of videos. The study has collected 505 individual Chinese TikTok creators’ demographic information and level of AI tools usage by survey. And then, the study has collected the engagement of three latest videos using AI tools of each creator, video types, and monthly average engagement for a single video of corresponding creators to see if AI tools helped creators improve their video engagement. The result shows that knowledge level is indeed a factor affecting the decision of creators to use AI tools in video creating process. And video type plays a moderating role in AI tools effectiveness on video engagement. However, the findings suggest a negative impact of AI tool usage on user engagement, the relationship is marginal. This study helps us better understand the role of AIGC in digital ads, especially in social media marketing. This project gives marketers, content makers and researchers a lot of useful information by looking at real-life situations and combining results from previous research that this study is expected to add.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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