Author: Guo, Ying
Title: When there is no room to spread wings : a polynomial regression approach to the effect of new leaders’ authority struggle on the trajectories of new leaders’ felt trust and turnover intention
Advisors: Liu, Wu (MM)
Degree: D.B.A.
Year: 2024
Subject: Leadership
Labor turnover
Industrial management -- China
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Business
Pages: 113 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: In recent years, China's economy has grown rapidly, but most enterprises in China are facing the problem of shortage of leadership talents, which is more serious than other countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The leader is an important asset of the company, and improving the survival rate for new leaders is an important task for the human resources teams. By paying attention to the inconsistency between the power given to new leaders and the power they think is necessary, and its influence on the perceived trust and turnover intention, this study reveals the key aspects of new leaders' adaptation.
The current study examined the mechanism by analyzing three relationships: 1. The relationship between the incongruence of authority given and needed and new leaders' trust feelings. 2. The relationship between the congruence of authority given and needed and new leaders' trust feelings. 3. The relationship between trust feelings of new leaders and turnover intention. 4. The relationship between the conspiracy relation of authority given and needed, new leaders' turnover intention, and the mediating role of trust feelings.
By conducting three waves of data collection across four firms for three months, with 127 pairs of new leaders. By using polynomial regression analysis, the results show that: first, the trust of new leaders in their supervisor declines with time; Second, the slope of perceived trust is negatively correlated with the slope of turnover intention, which increases over time. Third, the influence of directional incongruence in authority given and authority needed on the slope of felt trust, of which the slope of felt trust is less negative when authority given is higher than authority needed compared to when authority needed is higher than authority given. Fourth, there is an indirect effect between the directional incongruence in authority given and authority needed and the slope of turnover intention via the slope of felt trust.
This study examines the relationships between the authority of new leaders, the gap between authority needed and authority given and their intention to leave, and provides theoretical insights and practical significance for understanding and potentially improving the integration and retention environment of these new leaders, rather than directly focusing on enhancing their onboarding abilities, although the results of this study are of broader significance to leadership development and support mechanisms.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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