Author: Liu, Jiacheng
Title: E-sports lodging consumers : exploring the push and pull motivation of choosing and staying in E-sports hotels in China
Advisors: Woo, Linda (SHTM)
Degree: DHTM
Year: 2024
Subject: Video games -- Economic aspects -- China
Hotels -- China
Consumer behavior
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Pages: viii, 213 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: E-sports hotels have been growing in an exponential growth in mainland China since 2018 (Travel, 2021). Nevertheless, what intrinsic motivations push them to stay in E-sports hotel and what extrinsic attributes attract them to choose one over another remain scant. Furthermore, little is known if serious E-sports players (SEPs) and causal E-sports players (CEPs) would show any significant discrepancies for staying and choosing in E-sports hotels. With a lack of comprehensive understanding of E-sports hotel consumers, this study aims to fill the research gaps by exploring motivations of E-sports hotel consumers and identifying and validating a quality motivational scale in the context of E-sports hotels under the theoretical framework of push and pull theory. Furthermore, this study also attempts to investigate if there are any significant differences between SEPs and CEPs groups regarding their push and pull related motivations.
This paper adopted a mixed research method and is consisted of two studies. Study 1 concentrated on identifying and validating a push and pull related motivational quality scale. After following the rigid item development process recommended by Churchill Jr (1979), this paper generated a six-dimensional motivation model with 33 measuring items, indicating hedonism and relationship enhancement (HRE), symbolic and status enhancement (SSE), and escapism (ESC) as three push related dimensions whereas hotel room related attributes (HRA), E-sports related facilities and equipment attributes (EFEA), and hotel intangible attributes (HIA) as three pull related dimensions. The result of MANOVA in study 2 revealed that SEPs and CEPs groups exhibited significant differences in terms of push and pull related motivation factors. Overall, this paper contributes to knowledge of E-sports hotel consumers and provides theoretical and practical implications that relevant stakeholders could benefit from.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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