Author: Yu, Ying-kui Pedro
Title: Identification of relevant success factors of product extensions in the fast moving consumer goods sector in Hong Kong
Degree: D.B.A.
Year: 2006
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations.
Product management.
Brand name products -- Marketing.
Advertising -- Brand name products.
Department: Graduate School of Business
Pages: ix, 169 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: Due to the high costs of launching new products, product extensions are becoming more popular in many markets including Hong Kong. Previous research studies have focused on this topic but have not specifically covered the Hong Kong market. Therefore, the researcher of this current study conducted specific research in Hong Kong in order to identify the critical success factors of product extensions in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods sector in Hong Kong. In the current study, the researcher wanted to investigate whether those success factors identified in previous studies can be applied to the Hong Kong market, and also find out whether there are some other success factors identified in the Hong Kong market that have not been highlighted and evaluated in previous academic papers. Subsequently, two additional success factors were identified in the Hong Kong market in addition to one success factor that had been covered in previous studies. It is hoped that the overall findings of this current study may be ol practical use, not only to academia, but also to members of the Hong Kong business community, in particular, marketing professionals. It is the researcher's wish that marketing professionals in Hong Kong do find those findings to be relevant and useful to their business operation and can apply them when planning their product extension strategy. If this study contributes in someway to their success and that of Hong Kong in general, the researcher will be well satisfied.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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