Author: Tang, Kit-shing David
Title: Workbase improvement team (WIT) : a study of the factors affecting staff to participate in WIT in the Operations Engineering Department of the Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway Corporation
Degree: M.B.A.
Year: 1993
Subject: Mass Transit Railway Corporation
Management -- China -- Hong Kong -- Employee participation
Teams in the workplace -- China -- Hong Kong
Hong Kong Polytechnic -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Management
Pages: xi, 158 6 leaves ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: This study reveals that there is a host of factors affecting staff participation in the Workbase Improvement Team (WIT) scheme. Superior support, recognition and rewards for good performance, communications, and the desire of the individuals to satisfy their specific needs are part of the factors. The result uncovers that staff who are not WIT members may not necessarily be different from the WIT members. Non-WIT members can be divided into two groups for which test of hypotheses reveals that they are significantly different from each other - those who express intention to join the WIT scheme are more positive in attitude, more satisfied with their lower level needs, with stronger desire to develop themselves, and are more aware of the corporate WIT scheme than those who show NO intention to do so. The findings also indicate that existing WIT members are not necessarily motivated in every respect or are aware of all aspects of the corporate WIT scheme. Like most non-WIT members, they show much reservation in the Corporation's communication channels, the pay and its adequacy in supporting their families, their present living standard and social lives, and they have similar ideas about the potential benefits that WIT will offer to them and the use of WIT as staff development tool. The demographic characteristics of all WIT members and non-WIT members in the OEM section are reviewed. The finding suggests that demographic variables are not factors affecting staff participation in the WIT scheme. Details of the findings together with the recommendations on motivating staff to join the corporate WIT scheme are contained in this report.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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