Author: Chan, Wing-kie Vikky
Title: A study of the validity and reliability of the Hong Kong Chinese version activity card sort
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2003
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Occupational therapy
Occupational therapy -- Evaluation
Department: Multi-disciplinary Studies
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
Pages: ix, 108 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: The Activity Card Sort (ACS) is a comprehensive instrument for assessing participation in occupational performance of instrumental, social-cultural, and leisure activities. A unique characteristic of ACS is the uses of photographs to elicit responses from respondents. This format is non-threatening and is particularly useful when using with older people whose literacy level is low. In Hong Kong, a group of undergraduate occupational therapy students revised the original ACS and produced a preliminary Hong Kong Chinese version of ACS (ACS-HK) through a small-scale methodology of "item generation" and "examination of cultural relevancy". Since no formal examination of the psychometric properties of the ACS-HK was done, it is therefore not valid to adopt the version for clinical use. The purpose of this study is to further develop the adapted ACS-HK and to examine its psychometric properties in terms of content validity, construct validity and test retest reliability. The examination of content validity involved two stages. The first stage was to generate and refine activity items for the ACS-HK while the second stage examined the cultural relevancy of the revised list of activity items. Expert panels were used in both stages of content validity examination, and the final version of ACS-HK included 65 picture cards of Chinese older adults performing instrumental, social-cultural, and low and high physical leisure activities. The construct validity was investigated through known-groups method and convergent validity. Two groups of 30 older adults with one group classified as "less active group" (stroke clients at geriatric day hospital), whilst the other group classified as "more active group" (ex-GDH clients with stroke) were recruited. Results of the known-groups method showed that ACS-HK was able to discriminate clients with different levels of functioning (p=.00). Study of convergent validity showed that ACS-HK (total scores and sub-scores of the 4 activity categories) was positively associated with ComQOL (a measure of quality of life in both objective and subjective aspects), with correlation coefficient values ranging from .40 to .86. Finally, the test-retest reliability of the ACS-HK as determined by ICC (1,1) was .98, which supported that it is a reliable instrument with stability across time. In conclusion, the findings of the present study supports that ACS-HK is a valid and reliable instrument to document older adults' patterns of participation in instrumental, leisure and social activities.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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