Author: Lum, Lai-shan Jessie
Title: eCustomer relationship management model : the case in container liner industry
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2000
Subject: Shipping -- Customer services -- Case studies
Customer relations -- Management -- Case studies
Electronic commerce -- Case studies
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Computing
Pages: [4], 80 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: It is widely accepted that customer relationship management (CRM) is critical for business to retain customers in a keen competition environment. With the rise of Web technology and explosion of e-business activities, organization pays attention not only on conventional CRM, but eCRM (electronic customer relationship management). The objective of CRM is to build loyalty with the most valuable customers in order to maximize the profitability. eCRM has changed the scope with all business activities being put on Web. The rapid changes in business environment also forces container liner industry to adopt eCRM strategy. This paper studies the evolution and definition of eCRM and examines the required components and capabilities for eCRM model based on the past research findings and eCRM products in the market. Container Liner industry has been used as a case study to see how the industry benefits from eCRM. The implementation of eCRM should be driven by business process and supported by technology. By mapping eCRM component model into customer life cycle processes, four key elements are identified as the critical components to container liner industry: Customer Lifetime Value model, Customer-centric Data Warehouse, Web Self-service and E-commerce application. For implementation of eCRM project for container liner industry, these four elements should be designed carefully. The paper has proposed how to handle these four elements and integrated into the eCRM system architecture.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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