Author: So, William
Title: Conflict resolution strategies : an analysis of the perspective used in of principal-distributor relationship
Degree: D.B.A.
Year: 2004
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Conflict management
Relationship marketing
Department: Graduate School of Business
Pages: xi, 365 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Despite the importance of the electrical industry in Hong Kong as one of the key contributors to economic growth, there has been very little research on the industry operational mode under the dyadic business relationship between principal and distributor. The members of The Hong Kong Electrical Contractor' Association are subjected for studies and three cases have been selected for studies in detail. This is an exploratory study, using the method of multi-cases studies research to explore the conflict resolution strategies that may be adopted by the conflicting members within the distribution channel. By way of empirical analysis, a model linking negotiation behavior with the outcome effectiveness of negotiation is proposed. The findings of this research have established a theoretical model which states that there will be different negotiation behavior in responding to the different outcome of satisfaction in negotiation. The thesis concludes that integrative strategy is used for an economic outcome of satisfaction and distributive strategy is used in non-economic outcome of satisfaction. It is also true that when the negotiation objective is the combination of both economic and non-economic outcome.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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