Author: Cheung, Chun-keung
Title: Static var compensator design for improving large scale power system damping
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 1998
Subject: Electric power systems
Damping (Mechanics)
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Multi-disciplinary Studies
Department of Electrical Engineering
Pages: vii, 69 leaves : ill. ; 31 cm
Language: English
Abstract: The accuracy of load modelling is important in the estimation of system damping. In this project, the loads are modelled as voltage dependent by an exponential model equation with voltage dependent exponential constants 'a' & 'b' for the active and reactive power. For a defined ranges of 'a' & 'b' , the locus of eigenvalues for the electromechanical modes of a multimachine power system are studied. Moreover the machine order representation is also varied so that the effect of machine model on system damping can be investigated as well. Afterwards a SVC is installed on a busbar which is nearly located at the electrical mid-point of a transmission line between a two area multimachine power system and the installed location is so selected that it can provide the best system damping. The effect of SVC on system damping is investigated and compared with the case when no SVC is installed for a typical setting of 'a' & 'b' which are equal to 1.38 & 3.22 respectively by[18]. However it is known that a bus voltage controlled SVC does not contribute significantly to system damping. Therefore some auxiliary signals are required to superimpose over its voltage control loop in order to achieve a significant system damping. In this project, different damping signals are compared to study the damping effect in section 5.1 and the deviation in tie line current flow is selected as the damping signal which is also suggested by [5]. The transfer function for the damping control loop is then designed by eigenvalues sensitivity analysis technique. In the design, damping gain constant cannot he pushed too far as it is restricted by the tendency of a new so-called SVC mode oscillation. Through this restriction, the SVC damping control loop parameters can be designed by the combined sensitivity coefficient (CSC) analysis technique. Finally the dampings for the electromechanical modes are investigated when SVC with designed damping control loop is installed.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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