Author: | Ip, Sin-yee Franklin |
Title: | Collaborative learning partnership |
Degree: | M.Sc. |
Year: | 2004 |
Subject: | Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations Organizational learning Strategic alliances (Business) Management information systems |
Department: | Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering |
Pages: | viii, 90, xi leaves : ill. ; 30 cm |
Language: | English |
Abstract: | The survivability and competitiveness in the value creation chain are generally accepted that it will depend on its ability to identify and focus on its core competencies. Collaborative partnership is a generic strategy to blend the competencies to produce a product or service. It is also well understood and accepted that there will be teething problems and expected learning period. But speed and adaptability are critical to differentiate winners or losers. In extended enterprise environment, a well synchronized value chain process with minimum discrepancies across the boundaries of different processes owners will enable an overall optimal performance. The poorest performers will risk being phased out eventually, hence performance is the key and the most used daily terminology by the management. Each member of the value chain will measure and subject to be measured for quality, cost, cycle time and service in the customer value management process. To maintain the leading role, continuous improvement, re-engineering or re-invention by changes or leapfrog transformation becomes routine arena of competition. This paper outlines the attempt of network organizational structure transformation. The scope of transformation effort is confined at the lower level of competencies -capabilities, which bundle structure, process, people, technology and external relationship - collaborative learning partnership. The rationale behind is to turn capabilities into business but not in terms of internal functional targets. The capability cell will act with appropriated strategies to organized the best performers, the capability mix may be leveraged through out-sourcing, in-sourcing, pooling or exclusive leverage (not share with others). The focus is horizontally beyond the functional boundaries, the use of cross-functional teams, to better understand and handle how the activities of one function will affect the activities of other functions and other partners, is well utilized. However, it is still the functional identity and mentality but difficult to be team identity. Hence autonomous capability cells running as business with own strategies and customers, providing committed service level at best in the class standard, shall have significant impact on increasing value chain effectiveness. |
Rights: | All rights reserved |
Access: | restricted access |
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