Author: Fok, Kai-kwong James
Title: Technology development strategies and corporate performance : evidence from the growth enterprise market
Degree: D.B.A.
Year: 2007
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations.
Corporations -- Technological innovations.
Organizational effectiveness.
Industrial management.
Department: Graduate School of Business
Pages: v, 198 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: This research empirically examines the association between the effects of technology development strategies and company performance, and examines the temporal persistence of profitability for technology-based companies over a five-year period. The research model examines three performance dimensions to obtain a more complete measurement of corporate performance. Most of the data that are used are published data with a high degree of objectivity. Four technology development strategies are examined, namely, R&D spending, university linkage, technological alliance and technology-oriented acquisition. The four technology development strategies are found positively related to one of the three performance dimensions. The research findings suggest that R&D spending, as in-house technology development strategy, is associated with future profitability potential, whereas university linkage and formation of technological alliance, as external technology acquisition strategies, are associated with profitability. Technology-oriented acquisition is found positively related to innovation. The research findings provide some evidence to support in-house technology development strategies outperform external technology acquisition strategies for long term profitability whereas external technology acquisition strategies play a key role for short term profitability during a period of abrupt environmental changes. Future research is proposed on the impact of institutional factors on technology development strategies, an area could prove useful in the establishment of short-, medium- and long-term strategic plans.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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