Author: Li, Christina Wai-fong
Title: Towards the age of the network organization : the impact of computing and telecommunications technologies in the formulation of strategic information systems (with a study on the trading firms in Hong Kong)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 1992
Subject: Management information systems
Trading companies -- China -- Hong Kong -- Management
Hong Kong Polytechnic -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Computing
Pages: 1 v. (various pagings)
Language: English
Abstract: In the past 30 years, the world has undergone a dramatic transformation from an industrial to an information society. Innovations such as satellite transmission, point of sale terminals, and electronic data interchange have allowed companies to reduce the information float to a matter of seconds. The strategic use of computing and telecommunications technologies has been a major area of concern in the research and business field (McFarlan 1984, Cash and Konsynski 1985, Porter and Millar 1985, Clemons and McFarlan 1986, Hammer and Mangurian 1987, Synnott 1987, Keen 1988, Stalk and Hout 1991). It is evident that computer helps in processing huge volumes of data while telecommunication plays a key role in linking companies to their customers, distribution channels, suppliers and themselves. It is difficult, however, to separate the use of computing technology for competitive advantage from the strategic use of telecommunications. There have also been quite a lot of literature revealing that network-based systems are gaining momentum over the standalone personal computers and even the mainframe and minis. Some even postulate that the network organization is inevitable (Naisbitt 1984, Donovan 1988, Naisbitt and Aburdene 1991, Schlack 1991, Charan 1991, Synnott 1991, Davis and Davidson 1991). However, there is much to be learned about individual, inter-organizational, and intra-organizational uses and management of communications technologies for establishing the electronic linkage to gain competitive advantages. This paper reviews the TRANSITION, STAGES OF GROWTH and MERGING frameworks of the computing and telecommunications technologies with a view to bringing up the notion of the integrated development of these two technologies, in the context of both technology, servicing, and management. Following this, several approaches to analyze IMPACTS of these technologies on a business organization were reviewed to serve as the theoretical base for constructing the CONNECTION MODEL. The model hypothesized serves as a framework for analyzing the various possible connection nodes to gain strategic impact. Based on this model, a survey on the scenario of the trading industry in Hong Kong was conducted to reveal the present state of development of computing and communications technologies with a view to identify factors specific to the industry.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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