Author: Chow, Yuet-mei
Title: Integration of private and public medical manpower : a feasibility study
Degree: M.B.A.
Year: 1993
Subject: Medical personnel -- China -- Hong Kong
Hospitals -- China -- Hong Kong -- Administration
Medical care -- China -- Hong Kong
Hong Kong Polytechnic -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Management
Pages: vi, 74 leaves ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: This paper investigates the distribution and utilization of medical manpower in Hong Kong and the feasibility of introducing some form of integration between the public and private sectors with a view to better utilization of the highly specialized and scarce resources and long-term solution of the mal-distribution of medical manpower. Co-operation in the private and public sectors takes many forms, mostly involving non-monetary activities. Integration of public and private medical manpower is rarely practised. Limited application of this concept can be found in local academic institutes and the National Health Service of the United Kingdom. After examining the socio-economic, political and managerial aspects of various modes of integration, the author concluded that integration of public and private medical manpower is not only feasible but valuable. The authority should start exploring the various ways and means of integration in greater detail and try it out as a pilot scheme in area most easily managed. Practical problems could be sorted out as and when they are encountered and the scheme be improved for future application and modified to suit special needs.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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