Author: 金琳琳
Jin, Linlin
Title: 督导在酒店培训中的角色分析 : 以杭州Z酒店为研究案例
Du dao zai jiu dian pei xun zhong de jiao se fen xi : yi Hangzhou Z jiu dian wei yan jiu an li
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2006
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations.
Hotels -- Employees -- Training of.
Hotel management -- China -- Case studies.
Department: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Pages: 13, 129 p. : charts ; 30 cm.
Language: Chinese
Abstract: The competition in modern hotel industry is actually the competition for talents. How to possess a high-qualified personnel has been a problem more and more concerned by hotel managers. There are many ways to improve the quality of the employees, and training is one of the most effective methods. As the present situation, the quality and effect of hotel training in the country are not high in a mass. The reasons leading to this complexion are complicated, so they are difficult to be generalized or summarized. The effect of training held by supervisors, as the core of grass-roots training in hotel, will directly influence the total level of hotel training. In this text, it takes the a domestic all-in-one four-star hotels as the vehicles to comprehensively analyze the present situation of training held by supervisors from the three angles of employee, supervisor and managing directors; find out the critical factors influencing the total effect of the training from each link in the training process; and bring forward the opinions and suggestions for improvement. According to the deep survey of the case study, the writer found that supervisors possessed the basic conditions and advantages to be a hotel trainer; although the judgments on one or two aspects are not high, the employees, supervisors and managers were satisfied with the total effect of the training; the dominant factor for the apparent differences on the employees' or supervisors' opinions toward the training was the distinctness of departments. Finally, the writer put forward the following opinions and suggestions for the training held by supervisors: requirement analysis should be the premise of the training; pertinence and innovation should be emphasized in training method; performance management should be applied in evaluation of training; the personal quality of the trainers is very important; good learning environment should be created for employees; training should be combined with encouragement system; input of enough training fund should be guaranteed; managers should support and pay attention on the training for trainees. For the consideration that there are some commons on the aspects of personnel organization and grass-roots training in four-star hotels, it is hoped that these research findings will be consulted by more hotels of the same type or domestic all-in-one hotels, to improve the effectiveness of the hotel training and perfect the management of training.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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