Full metadata record
DC Field | Value | Language |
dc.contributor | Institute of Textiles and Clothing | en_US |
dc.creator | Choi, Pui-shan | - |
dc.identifier.uri | https://theses.lib.polyu.edu.hk/handle/200/2409 | - |
dc.language | English | en_US |
dc.publisher | Hong Kong Polytechnic University | - |
dc.rights | All rights reserved | en_US |
dc.title | Development of an optimum printing system for digital ink-jet printing | en_US |
dcterms.abstract | The thesis is concerned with the study of the development of an optimum printing system for digital ink-jet printing using reactive ink on the cotton fabric. Based on the experimental results, it was found that both the contents of pre-treatment print paste, i.e. alginate, urea and alkali, and the post-treatment of steaming time after ink-jet printing played the major role in affecting the final colour yield of the printed cotton fabric. The optimum content of pre-treatment print paste and the proper condition of post-treatment after ink-jet printing were developed to achieve higher colour yield for three primary colours and one black colour with the aid of the response surface experimental design technique. The colour fastness results of the cotton fabric pre-treated by the newly developed ink-jet printing system were similar to those of the commercially available pre-treated cotton fabric. Orthogonal design had been used to determine the effect of pre-treatment print paste and steaming time on the colour yield of ink-jet printed cotton fabric. In addition, fractional factorial design had also been used to study the factors, i.e. sodium alginate, urea, sodium bicarbonate and steaming time. According to the results of the highest colour yield obtained on the cotton fabric, it was found that urea was the dominant factor when compared with other factors. On the other hand, the final colour yield was not only influenced by an individual factor, i.e. amount of alginate used, amount of alkali used, amount of urea used and duration of steaming time, but also due to an interaction effect among these factors. Characterisation of the reactive inks had been experimentally conducted using various instrumental techniques such as Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy (UV7VIS),Thin-Layer chromatography (TLC) and Infrared Spectroscopy (IR). Based on the results of UV/VIS absorption spectra, the maximum absorbance of the reactive inks studied was determined and hence the respective colour was found. TLC had been used to separate various dye components present in the reactive ink for dye analysis and confirmation. Furthermore, the functional groups and chemical composition of the reactive inks had been deduced by using the IR analysis technique and compared with the chemical structures of known reactive dyes. The feasibility of using chitosan to replace sodium alginate as a thickener in the pre-treatment print paste was studied with the aid of orthogonal design. According to the results of different colour fastness tests and colour appearance measurement, chitosan in principle could work as a pre-treatment print paste thickener after modifying the pre-treatment procedures. In addition, it was found that chitosan could also impart higher anti-bacterial property onto the cotton fabric. | en_US |
dcterms.extent | xx, 161 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm | en_US |
dcterms.isPartOf | PolyU Electronic Theses | en_US |
dcterms.issued | 2006 | en_US |
dcterms.educationalLevel | All Master | en_US |
dcterms.educationalLevel | M.Phil. | en_US |
dcterms.LCSH | Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations | en_US |
dcterms.LCSH | Textile printing | en_US |
dcterms.LCSH | Ink-jet printing | en_US |
dcterms.accessRights | open access | en_US |
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