Author: Johns, Christopher
Title: An investigation into students' experiences of their involvement with student theatrical productions
Degree: M.Ed.
Year: 2007
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations.
Student activities.
College theater.
College and school drama.
Department: School of Professional Education and Executive Development
Pages: vi, 122 leaves : col. ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: I have been a supervisor of the Production Practice course at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts for nine years. In that time I have observed the students passing through a range of emotions and positive and negative experiences, and I have always been interested in the impact of these experiences on the students themselves and the learning outcomes of the course. Motivated by these observations, this study looks at the current status of the course with the aim of answering the following three research questions. RQ1: What is the "current status" of the Production Practice course according to the past experiences of: A) students from the Drama School and the Technical Arts School? B) faculty supervisors from the Drama School and the Technical Arts School? RQ2: Are the students' experiences supported or contradicted by the observation of a specific production process? RQ3: What, if any, changes or improvements can be suggested? Based on a review of the literature, a conceptual framework was derived from the models of Kolb, Biggs and Prosser and Trigwell. The study explored the application of these models to the course and eventually considered the constructive alignment of the course. Whilst not following them precisely, the study methodology incorporated aspects of Grounded Theory and Action Research with the researcher's active participation in the context. The processes of data collection and analysis also drew on Grounded Theory and Action Research methods. The study has identified a number of potential problems associated with the definition of the objectives of the course, the application of Kolb's cycle of experiential learning, and practical course management issues. The results have led to five recommendations to address the identified problems, with the ultimate aim of improving the effectiveness of students' learning.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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