Author: Ko, Annie
Title: Perception of hotel employees on work-life balance
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2007
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations.
Hotels -- China -- Hong Kong -- Employees -- Job satisfaction.
Quality of work life -- China -- Hong Kong.
Department: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Pages: viii, 175 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: Work-life balance is a strategic HRM concern in the dynamic hotel environment today. In response to the dual challenges of increasing turnover and increasing difficulties in retention for HR professionals, this study was designed to identify important factors as perceived by hotel employees in achieving work-life balance in the workplace. Individual in-depth interviews were undertaken with hotel representatives and employees in the outset to identity possible indicators. Based on the result, 30 work-life balance indicators were consolidated into respective statements and a survey was administered to 230 employees working in eight different hotels ranging from High Tariff "A", High Tariff "B" to Medium Tariff. Responses were subject to Factor analysis using Principal Components Analysis with Varimax Rotation method, a result of 6 dimensions were derived namely; (1) Concept of enough time off-work; (2) Opportunity for life orientation; (3) Workplace support on family matters; (4) Flexibility on work schedule; (5) Allegiance to work; and (6) Acceptance to work beyond contracted hours. Results of independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA on working and living pattern, using time as a major dimension, also provided insight into deriving targeted strategies for hoteliers on a micro view. Implications were extrapolated further from a macro perspective using "Transformation Model" to understand the major barriers. They were lack of equilibrium concept, lack of awareness of work-life balance initiatives and lack of understanding on application between corporate social responsibility and work-life balance program. To overcome the barriers while recognizing all factors in achieving work-life balance, recommendations for hoteliers were suggested in a holistic manner. They were (1) Multi-faceted education for internal stakeholders; (2) Listen to employees and appreciate their differences and needs; (3) Supporting action for line managers - Eliminate "low-value" work; (4) Provide more free time and increase flexibility on work schedule; (5) Provide workplace support on family matters; and (6) Test the water using pilot program. In sum, it was notable that concerto effort should be done between employers and employees. Moreover, education of work-life balance concept for cognitive shift, proper identification of key stakeholders and adopting integrative approach are the critical success factors for implementation of work-life balance program, and will, in turn, enable hoteliers to become an employer of choice.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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