Author: Wong, Po-yee Emma
Title: Tourism in Hong Kong and Singapore : policies, mutual learning and collaboration opportunities
Degree: M.Phil.
Year: 2004
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
International cooperation
Tourism -- Government policy -- China -- Hong Kong
Tourism -- Government policy -- Singapore
Hospitality industry -- China -- Hong Kong
Hospitality industry -- Singapore
Department: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Pages: xii, 233 leaves : ill. ; 24 cm
Language: English
Abstract: The Asia Pacific region is one of the fastest-growing tourism regions in the world. The establishment of tourism partnerships in APEC and ASEAN, for example, has indicated the interdependence of some countries/cities in the region as well as the importance of regional tourism cooperation in the economic development of destinations. Hong Kong and Singapore are two important tourism hubs that share discernible similarities. However, few studies, if any, have yet analyzed and compared their tourism policies for the 21st century, which is an element that shapes destination competitiveness. The feasibility and value of mutual learning or cooperation/collaboration between the two governments were also not addressed in previous research. This thesis filled the gaps by: (I) comparing the tourism policies formulated for the 21st century by the Hong Kong and Singapore governments; (2) exploring whether mutual learning or (3) collaboration between the two governments would be beneficial or detrimental to the enhancement of their respective destination competitiveness. The rationale of proposed arguments and specific suggestions were also explored. This qualitative research adopts a comparative study design. Both primary and secondary data were collected. The comparison of tourism policies of the two cities (Objective I) was based on secondary data and an Analytical Framework for Destination Competitiveness and Sustainability Policies adapted from Ritchie's & Crouch's (2000) model. The issues of mutual learning and collaboration (Objective 2 and 3) were investigated using primary findings collected by means of in-depth interviews with government officials, key industrial players, academics and international tourism organizations.
Among the various aspects of policies studied, five are considered to have shown the biggest contrasts between the governance of Hong Kong and Singapore governments in the context of tourism. They are vision formulation, provision of tourism infrastructure and product development, crisis management, policies for the private sector, and policies on competition and cooperation with other cities/countries. The significant differences are essentially due to the different governance philosophies and political agenda of the two governments. The participants of this study were not unanimous on the notions that mutual learning or intergovernmental collaboration between the governments of Hong Kong and Singapore is feasible or beneficial to enhancing their respective destination competitiveness. With regard to mutual learning, some interviewees expressed that the governments should "do things in their own way" due to the differences in political systems, governance philosophy, and destination uniqueness. Others agreed that they should learn from each other in order to enhance competitiveness. Specific suggestions categorized into attitudinal and strategic aspects were given. In terms of collaboration, three arguments were put forward: (I) intergovernmental collaboration is necessary and beneficial; possible areas of collaboration include exchange of intelligence, marketing and aviation; (2) it is not feasible although it may be worthwhile; and (3) it is not necessary and/or has little value. This study has provided insights into the three research objectives. Not only does it fill the research gaps, essential destination competitiveness issues are also addressed together with practical recommendations to the governments. The findings should be of value to the decision makers in the administration. In addition, an analytical framework for destination competitiveness and sustainability policies was developed, which enables a systematic and effective comparison of tourism policies between two destinations.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: open access

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