Author: | Fu, Kwok-chu Kitty |
Title: | Supervisory practice in medical social service setting of scheduled II hospitals in Hong Kong |
Degree: | M.A. |
Year: | 1999 |
Subject: | Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations |
Department: | Department of Applied Social Studies |
Pages: | v, 95, [8] leaves ; 30 cm |
Language: | English |
Abstract: | The purpose of this study is to explore the state of the art of supervisory practice in local Scheduled II hospitals in Hong Kong, while it is interesting to find out the mode of current practice employed in medical social work setting and the importance of supervision functions in actual practice. Furthermore, the supervisor-supervisee relationship is also studied. It is expected that some insights can be generated for supervisors in order to enhance the supervisory practice and ultimately, improve the quality of service to patients. A qualitative method with purposive sampling is employed in this study. Six participants from six different hospitals were selected. In-depth face-to-face interviews were conducted with a semi-structured questionnaire. The interviews were audio-tape recorded for analysis. The findings showed that traditional one-to-one supervision is prevalent while informal supervision is of growing importance in medical setting. Supervisors perceive that administrative function is more important than educational and supportive functions in supervision. Moreover, the supervisory relationship is generally satisfactory and supervisors would prefer consensus model in the decision making process with supervisees. Finally, supervisors' difficulties were mainly related to administration and communication with staff. Discussion focuses on the four major forces identified to have influence on the supervisory practice in medical setting. They are culture, organization context, social work values and supervisors' own styles. The interplay of these major forces has affected the format of supervision, supervisory functions, supervisory relationship, and the use of authority by supervisors. Some recommendations to hospital administrators, supervisors and supervisees are made in this study. Training on supervision for both supervisors and supervisees is recommended to be included in staff development program. Finally, researchers are advised to conduct further studies to get a more comprehensive understanding of how supervisory practice for medical social workers can be enhanced and strengthened. |
Rights: | All rights reserved |
Access: | restricted access |
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