Author: | So, Ching-man Louisa |
Title: | People make the difference : the role of human resources management in total quality management |
Degree: | M.B.A. |
Year: | 1996 |
Subject: | Total quality management Personnel management Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations |
Department: | Department of Management |
Pages: | iv, 70 leaves ; 30 cm |
Language: | English |
Abstract: | How important are human resources issues in creating quality-oriented organizations ? The difference between business success and failure will be the people who make up an organization. To meet the challenges of the new global environment, companies have started considering quality as an integral part of their strategic business plans. The role of quality has changed from verifying products with regard to specifications to meeting or exceeding customer needs and expectations. Total Quality Management is a management philosophy that has "customer satisfaction with products and services" as its major objective. This objective can only be achieved through management involvement at all levels, continuous improvement of products, services and processes, education and training of employees, and participation of all employees in problem solving. Human resource can play a significant role in supporting and driving a continuous-improvement culture in the implementation of TQM. Every HR system has the potential to influence employee performance and thus the success or failure of a total-quality initiative. A number of areas in particular - including selection processes, development and training, and reward system - can have a significant impact on quality performance. In order to draw an overview of how total quality management is viewed and practised by different companies in Hong Kong and to assess the role played by human resources management, a survey was held targeting at HRM practitioners in companies that have adopted TQM and those that have not. This paper will start with results from literature review, then survey findings and at the end conclusion and recommendation. |
Rights: | All rights reserved |
Access: | restricted access |
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