Author: Fan, Chi-yuen Genie
Title: Case study of Cathay Pacific Airways Limited : outsourcing of aircraft maintenance
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2004
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Cathay Pacific Airways
Airplanes -- Maintenance and repair
Contracting out
Department: Graduate School of Business
Department of Logistics
Pages: v, 44 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Recently all local and international companies are facing the same problem of cost reduction. Traditionally, companies are concentrated on reducing labour and material costs. However, the development of outsourcing has changed the way people think by means of not only to reduce the cost but to transfer the risk of cost fluctuation to another organisation. Under these circumstances, some companies become stronger, but some do not. The idea of 'Outsourcing' concerns the identifying of 'Effective Boundary' and 'Core Business'. By means of focusing on the core business, an organisation could improve its quality of product and services, thus to enhance its competitiveness. However, some companies only focus on cutting cost in the short run, and such outsourcing process has moved to an incorrect direction. This paper highlights the essence of outsourcing in the recent business environment. Although outsourcing can improve the overall performance of a company but in practice some companies have failed to address the risk. Some recommendations could be found at the end of this project.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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