Author: Tsui, Kwan-yin Frankie
Title: A study on stress and coping of parents with adult children with mental handicap
Degree: M.A.
Year: 2000
Subject: Parents of children with disabilities -- China -- Hong Kong
Children with mental disabilities -- China -- Hong Kong
Stress (Psychology) -- China -- Hong Kong
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Applied Social Sciences
Pages: vii, 98, [3] leaves ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: It is no doubt that the parents with children with mental handicap experience more stresses that the other parents with normal children. With reference to the information sheet provided by the Health and Welfare Branch, there are an estimated 125,300 individuals with mental handicap in Hong Kong (Hong Kong Government, 1998). It infers that there are 125,300 families are having stresses in caring with their members with such a disability. Those families deserve public concern and resources. Findings of the present study indicate two significant points. One is that the respondents are having positive attitude towards their respective mentally handicapped children and employing adaptive coping strategies. This message is important to other parents with children with mental handicap who are still in distress and desperation. It conveys hopes and support. The other point is to provide the researcher an opportunity to get a deeper understanding of their feelings and stress arising from bringing up children with mental handicap. Parents with children with mental handicap of the present study had experienced attitude changes from frustration to positive. The reasons for the changes were simply due to the natural bond and the acceptance of the disability of their children. The adaptive coping strategies used by the respondents included acceptance, positive connotation and personal growth, making social comparison, seeking for manageable outlet and the obligation of participation. 8 respondents were known to the researcher and selected on purposive basis. Given trustful relationship established before, they were interviewed in which their feelings and viewpoints are deliberately expressed. Themes on stress and coping have been derived from the data, namely, attitude having a child with mental handicap; caring difficulties, coping strategies, social support and expectation for future. Based on the thematic framework, some areas have been raised for discussion so as to arouse public concern and attention. Discussions drawn from the data are reflective. Issue concerning women roles in the family, existing service provisions for adult with mental handicap and community care were discussed in the present study. It hopes to stimulate further exploration in these areas. Besides, some suggestion for improvement of social work services for parents with mental handicapped children were made.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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