Author: Chen, Zexi Jersey
Title: Assessing service quality gaps between customers' expectations and their perceptions of hotel's performance in Hong Kong hotel industry
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2007
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations.
Hotels -- China -- Hong Kong -- Surveys.
Consumer satisfaction -- China -- Hong Kong -- Case studies.
Hospitality industry -- Customer services -- China -- Hong Kong -- Evaluation
Department: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Pages: viii, 126 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: Given the increasing competitive phenomenon of the hotel industry, customer satisfaction is one of the most important strategic weapons for hoteliers to annihilate their competitors. However, to achieve customer satisfaction, hoteliers need to develop a clear understanding of the service quality gaps from the customers' perspectives first, they need to identify what are customers' expectations, what are their perceptions of hotel's performance. With this in mind, this research tries to explore travelers' expectations about hotel attributes, and their perceptions about these attributes in a hotel stay within Hong Kong hotel industry. A modified version of the SERVQUAL model was applied to develop the questionnaire and do the analysis. The questionnaire was used to survey a sample of international tourists who visited Hong Kong and stayed at Hong Kong hotels. The descriptive statistics analysis was used (independent t-test) to test the differences in perceptions of hotel dimensions between Independent tourists and Frequent independent tourists, Asia tourists and Western tourists, Leisure tourists and Business tourists. The means was used to test the differences of both expectations and perceptions among different classes of hotels. Importance-Performance Analysis was used to categorize tourists' beliefs concerning the importance level and perceptions of hotel's performance. Multiple regression analysis was used to identify the determinant hotel dimensions in contribution to tourists' overall satisfaction level with their hotel stay, and the service quality gaps within the determinant dimensions. The overall findings indicated that tourists' perceptions of service quality provided by the hotel industry were lower than their expectations in Hong Kong hotel industry.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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