Author: 南新生
Nan, Xinsheng
Title: 情商与人际关系对工作倦怠和绩效的影响研究
Qing shang yu ren ji guan xi dui gong zuo juan dai he ji xiao de ying xiang yan jiu
Other Title: The effect of emotional intelligence and work relationship on burnout and performance
Degree: D.B.A.
Year: 2006
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Employees -- Rating of
Emotional intelligence
Interpersonal relations
Department: Graduate School of Business
Pages: xi, 163 leaves : ill. charts ; 30 cm
Language: Chinese
Abstract: Taking customer service representative of customer service center in five filiales of ChinaUnicom as demonstration, the paper researcher tests the relationship between representative' emotional quotient with LMX, TMX, burnout, intention to leave and work performance by using quantitative analysis. On the basis of literature review and theoretical framework, we design questionnaire, survey customer service representative and their supervisor. And then, after coding data and inputting data, we perform factor anylysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, hiararchical regression analysis, and conclude some findings. There are some important findings about the thesis. Firstly, there is positive significant relationship between self emotional appraisal ( SEA ), others' emotional appraisal ( OEA ), use of emotion ( UOE ), regulation of emotion (ROE) and LMX, TMX. Secondly, OEA has positive significant relationship with burnout, other dimensions has negative relationship. Thirdly, OEA has positive significant relationship with intention to leave, and UOE, ROE has negative significant relationship with intention to leave. Fourthly, burnout is middle variable between emotional quotient and intention to leave. Lastly, LMX, TMX is not mediation variable between emotional quotient and burnout. In theory contribution, this thesis trys to test emotional quotient using systemic quantitative analysis technology, and extends scope of statistical technology application to management study. In management application, the research paper exerts psychology, sociology and management theory on enterprise practical problem.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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