Author: Tong, James Yiu-woon
Title: Critical success factors of business process reengineering : a case study
Degree: D.B.A.
Year: 1999
Subject: Reengineering (Management) -- China -- Hong Kong -- Case studies
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Management
Pages: xvi, 351 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Abstract of Critical Success Factors of Business Process Reengineering: A Case Study submitted by James Yiu Woon Tong for the degree of Doctor of Business Administration at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in December 1999. This research study intends to contribute to a better understanding of the growing interest in business process reengineering (BPR) particularly in the factors contributing to the success of the implementation of such a programme within an organisation. The findings and conclusions from this research study will not only contribute additional knowledge and concepts to the academic circles, the results of the research will also be of immense value to corporate management contemplating to embark on a BPR initiative. The critical success factors of the BPR programme and resultant development of the BPR model from the research will serve as a useful reference to those interested in this field. This thesis contains seven chapters. Chapter One is a general introduction and discussion of BPR by leading scholars and practitioners resulting in the development of a Conceptual Model upon which this research study is based. Chapter Two is a critical appraisal of the factors contributing to the successful implementation of the BPR programmes in 24 firms and organisation, large and small, in overseas countries such as New Zealand, Europe, Great Britain, and United States of America. Chapter Three outlines the research hypotheses and the methodologies employed to carry out the research study. Chapter Four is a brief description of the case-study organisation and its successful implementation of the BPR programme. Chapters Five and Six are the research findings and results. The conclusions of the research study appear in the last and final Chapter Seven. Although the successful implementation of the BPR programmes in both overseas countries and the case-study organisation in Hong Kong rely on similar factors, the research study has resulted in the construction of a model, labelled as TC Model, which indicates that there is a strong correlation between the dependent variable (success in BPR implementation) and the independent variables (people and organisational factors). The TC Model in the case-study organisation differs from the model in overseas countries simply in the order of importance or emphasis in the mix of factors. In view of time constraint, this research study was on one focused organisation in Hong Kong and the resultant model is only applicable to that particular organisation or other organisations with similar operating objectives and structures. There is ample opportunity to conduct further research in this BPR discipline to arrive at a typical Hong Kong model applicable to all sectors of the community.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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