Author: Leung, Shui-toi Polo
Title: Study on the relationship between employment status and quality of life of ex-mentally ill patients
Degree: M.A.
Year: 1999
Subject: Ex-mental patients -- Employment -- China -- Hong Kong
Ex-mental patients -- China -- Hong Kong -- Social conditions
Quality of life -- China -- Hong Kong
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Applied Social Studies
Pages: vii , 92 leaves ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Despite arising concern of quality of life and the welfare of ex-mentally ill patients, there were no consensus definition and instrument to study the quality of life for ex-mentally ill patients in Hong Kong. Presently, the delivery of effective vocational rehabilitation services is far from adequate. The purpose of the study was to investigate the correlation between quality of life and employment status, including unemployment, part-time employment and full-time employment. A correlate statistic of QOL among unemployment, part-time employment and full-time employment was tested. Hong Kong Chinese Version World Health Organization Quality of Life Measure - Abbreviated Version was used to measure the quality of life of 91 ex-mentally ill patients with different employment status. The research findings of this study included (1) those employed subjects, either part-time or full-time employed, scored higher quality of life than unemployed subjects; (2) half of unemployed and part-time employed respondents regarded part-time employment as their ideal employment status, more than two-third full-time employed respondents preferred full-time employment while 7 unemployed subjects chose not to work; (3) the material rewards from the job seemed to be the most important incentive for job retention. The results of this study showed positive correlation between employment status and quality of life. Implication of results was discussed in terms of vocational development and rehabilitation for ex-mentally ill patients.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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