Author: Lee, Yuen-yin Rosa
Title: Testing of projection formula for the requirements of operating theatres in public hospitals of Hong Kong
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 1997
Subject: Public hospitals -- China -- Hong Kong
Operating rooms
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Multi-disciplinary Studies
Pages: x, 65, [28] leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: There has been a growing discontent among users of operating theatres on insufficient theatre session time available for surgical operations in public hospitals of Hong Kong. Increasing dissatisfaction has also been shown by patients on the prolonged waiting time for surgical operation. As the methodology of planning theatre provisions has become questionable, a research study was initiated to device and test a projection formula for estimating requirements of operating theatres in public hospitals of Hong Kong. Data collected on the utilization and throughput of operating theatres in ten hospitals reveal substantial deviations in practices from the UK Planning Norms and findings of previous research studies carried out in UK. Three sets of planning ratios emerged from the research for the same variable "Average Number of Cases per Theatre Session", which has a significant impact on the estimation of workload capacity for an operating theatre. These three sets of ratios were therefore used to set up scenarios in order to test results of projected requirements using a projection formula identified in a previous research paper. The projection formula was based on the availability of surgical beds. Results of the test varied enormously and it was difficult to judge which sets of variables were appropriate for comparison with the existing provisions in order to assess the adequacy of provisions. The projected requirements based on planning ratios by specialty as revealed in the research study carried out in UK in 1986 and subsequently adopted by the Health Building Note 26 were eventually used as yardsticks for comparison. It was further recommended to base projections on an average length of bed-stay by specialty of the individual hospital and that the projection formula be modified by including a discounting factor to cater for those surgical patients who do not require surgical operation. Using the modified projection formula, it was able to identify a shortfall of theatre provision in four public hospitals.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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