Author: Chan, Kam-wah
Title: A critical analysis of organizational performance in public sector in the institutional co1texts : a case study of Urban Services Department
Degree: M.B.A.
Year: 1996
Subject: Public administration -- China -- Hong Kong -- Case studies
Organizational effectiveness
Hong Kong. Urban Services Dept
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Management
Pages: 86 leaves ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: This paper is an attempt to evaluate the organizational performance of the public organization from the institutional perspective by taking Urban Services Department as a case study. The research methodology is a case study approach concentrated only on the abattoir and cleansing services provided by the Urban Services Department (U.S.D.). As the second largest government department and the biggest civilian government department in Hong Kong, U.S.D. is the executive arm of the Urban Council (U.C.) whilst the Council remains the policy-making and decision-making body for a broad spectrum of municipal matters in the Urban areas ranging from the basics such as street cleaning, refuse collection, food hygiene control and management of markets and street traders, to cultural activities in museums, libraries and major performing venues as well as provision and management of sport and recreation facilities. Meanwhile, the organizational structures and operations of the U.C. and U.S.D. are elaborated and discussed as background information. Efforts are thus concentrated on the study of two areas, namely abattoir and cleansing services. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the institutional framework for analysis in literature review. Hence, different types of institutional arrangements are introduced and elaborated, including factors affecting the relationships among actors such as government and private parties, and the structure of incentives, which are directly and indirectly affect the organisation performance in provision of public services. The key concern of this paper is to analyse the results of institutional arrangements adopted in provision of abattoir and cleansing services in U.S.D. with the aim of promoting efficiency and accountability to users and members of the public. From this study, we attempt to answer the following questions facing today's public organizations in Hong Kong : could an expanded role for the private sector help to tackle the traditional problems of public organizations in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and economy in provision of public services? If so, what will the effects be by freeing public authorities from day-to-day operations so that they could devote their attention to policy formulation, regulation and support activities? To sum up, the traditional three Es concept in provision of abattoir and cleansing services as in the case of U.S.D. has been enhanced and the organizational performance of the Department has been improved by contracting out the above services to private counterparts. Thus, it sheds lights on the civil service in Hong Kong by implementing the appropriate institutional arrangements so as to achieve the desired outcomes.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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